Traditional Braces – Albuquerque, NM

The Tried & Tested Method for Straightening Smiles

Have you or your child been struggling with orthodontic issues like an underbite, gapped teeth, or a crowded smile? Not only can this affect your ability to chew and take care of your oral health, but it can also negatively impact your self-confidence. To help fix orthodontic problems, our team can offer custom traditional braces in Albuquerque to effectively straighten your pearly whites! Keep reading to learn more about this treatment or call our office to schedule your initial consultation.

Why Choose Valer Dental & Braces for Traditional Braces?

  • Highly Experienced In-House Orthodontist
  • Effective & Personalized Treatment Plans
  • Multiple Financing Options for Affordable Care

How Do Traditional Braces Work?

a young man smiling with traditional braces

Traditional braces involve utilizing metal brackets and wires to strategically shift your teeth into their ideal positions. This method has been used for decades and has been able to address multiple kinds of orthodontic complications, such as overbites and overcrowding. During your treatment, you’ll visit your orthodontist every four weeks or so, that way they can adjust your wires to continue the next stage of the process. Over the following weeks and months, you should begin to see a great deal of changes in your smile.

What Orthodontic Issues Can Braces Fix?

a patient getting her braces checked by her orthodontist

One of the best things about traditional braces is that they can effectively treat a wide range of orthodontic problems, from minor to severe instances of malocclusion. Some of the common examples of these include:

Bite Misalignment

a 3D example of an underbite

If you or your child have trouble with an underbite or overbite (or some other misalignment issue), this can end up complicating things like your ability to eat, speak, or even sleep properly because of jaw discomfort. You might even experience wear and tear on your enamel due to the misaligned bite.

Crowded & Crooked Teeth

a 3D depiction of crooked and crowded teeth

Little to no room in your smile can lead to several complications. Not only can this negatively affect the aesthetics of your grin, but it’ll also make it more difficult for you to maintain a clean and bacteria-free mouth. By straightening out your teeth, you’ll be more capable of cleaning every surface of your pearly whites and gum line.

Gapped Teeth

a 3D illustration of gapped teeth

Having gaps in your smile can also lead to an increased chance of bacteria and debris accumulating around your teeth and gums. Without proper cleaning every day, this can raise the risk of decay and periodontal disease. Your smile might even be more susceptible to injury because your teeth are far apart. Traditional braces can gradually move them closer together, allowing them to support each other and strengthening your bite in the long run.

Caring for Your Braces

a person using a dental threader to clean braces

To help you or your child maintain a healthy smile while wearing braces, be sure to follow these tips:

  • Practice good oral hygiene every day, such as brushing for two full minutes after every meal.
  • Avoid hard and sugary treats that can increase the risk of damage to your brackets or tooth decay.
  • Wear protective mouthguards when playing sports.
  • Refrain from poor habits like biting your nails or chewing on ice.
  • Prioritize visiting your dentist for your adjustment appointments.